What is ADSL Modem Error 691?
You will typically get this error if you are using a ADSL USB Modem once in a while. The major reasons for this error:
Your account is suspended.
You have the wrong username and password.
Your dialer has gone corrupt.
How to get this error to go away:
1) Check the username and password you are typing in the dialer.
2) Check which number the dialer is dialing, it should be ‘0,38'.
3) Recreate the dialer. Steps to recreate dialer:
a) Go to ‘Start’ >> ‘Control Panel’ >> ‘Network Connections’ >> on the left hand side you have the option ‘Create a New Connection’.
b) Follow the steps as: click on ‘Next’ >> ‘Connect to Internet’ >> ‘Setup Connection Manually’ >> ‘Connect Using Dialup Modem’ >> ‘ISDN Channel’ >> type: CCS as ISP provider >> dialup number as ‘0,38' >> then enter your username and password >> click ‘Finish’.
4) Try to connect. This should work If your account is not suspended. If no, call the tech Support or better, billing to confirm whether your account is suspended or not.
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