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How can I view my website before my domain is active?

Article Information
Article ID: 32
Author: System Administrator
Created: 9/28/2007
Modified: 12/20/2019
Views: 6,055
How can I view my website before my domain is active?

You will not be able to view files on the server via a browser until your domain name has propagated around the internet.

This can take anything from a few minutes to 72 hours in extreme cases.

You can test your site by changing your PC's DNS servers to our authorative DNS servers, which will allow access to your site, but then you will loose access to everything else on the internet until you change them back.

Our Authorative DNS servers are: - - -

If you do not know how to change your PC DNS servers, then I suggest you wait a few hours for natural DNS propagation.

Don't forget if you do change your DNS servers to ours to change them back afterwards!

For details of the options available for

Webhosting click here

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