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I've uploaded my site but I cant see it?

Article Information
Article ID: 31
Author: System Administrator
Created: 9/28/2007
Modified: 10/30/2007
Views: 2,794

I've uploaded my site but I cant see it?

If you've uploaded the contents of your site but cant see them online, make sure you've done the following :

1. You've put the contents of your site in the 'wwwroot' folder, if you place them at the same level of the 'wwwroot' folder (Where your Backups, Logs and Secure folders are), you wont be able to view your website!

2. You've created a standard index page, eg. index.html, possible variants are as follows :

index or default.html / .htm / .asp / .php / .aspx / .shtml



For details of the options available for  Webhosting click here

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