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All about the RAD EtherAccess LA-210

Article Information
Article ID: 136
Author: Support @ CCS
Created: 7/5/2011
Modified: 7/5/2011
Views: 8,178
When we setup an EFM connection we install an EtherAccess LA-210 unit on your premises. This is referred to as the Network Termination Equipment (NTE) or occasionally the RAD box.

The purpose of the NTE is to 'bond' the multiple lines that are used on an EFM connection into one line. There are Ethernet ports on the rear of the NTE that allow you to connect the preconfigured Cisco router, as shipped by us.

Rear of the LA-210

The LA-210 provides four RJ-45 ethernet ports, one of which will be connected to a preconfigured and managed Cisco router that we will supply.

The two RJ-45 ports to the left are intended to accept the bonded copper lines. You should not need to touch these, and no other equipment should be plugged in here.

Front of the LA-210

The front of the LA-210 includes LED lights that can indicate the state of the unit and the connection.

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