How do I view the contents of my Spam Quarantine?
The contents of your Spam Quarantine are sent to you in your Spam Quarantine Report
However if you have deleted your reports or your reports are turned off, you may login to the system to view them.
Select the Quarantine Tab
Click on Run Query
The default search will return the total list of spam mails held in quarantine for you.
You can then select whether to Deliver them (one time only), Whitelist them (mark them as trusted senders and deliver this particular email) or Delete them (which blocks that sender and similar emails in future). There is also the option to tick a number of items and utilise the "Release Selected", "Whitelist Selected" or "Delete Selected" options just above the list to the right hand side.
You can also preview the emails by clicking the subject which will open a preview window allowing you to see the content before making a choice.
At any point you can get more information on the available options by clicking the blue circled question mark
in the top right hand corner.
For details of the options available for
CCS Leeds Email Anti Spam Services click here