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Can I change the Spam Quarantine Report frequency?

Article Information
Article ID: 125
Author: Support @ CCS
Created: 2/3/2009
Modified: 2/8/2009
Views: 6,246

Can I change the Spam Quarantine Report frequency?

You can change the schedule of the Quarantine Report to suit your needs.

The report is delivered at 15:00 hours every day by default, therefore if you do not see your emails at weekends you will have three reports upon your return to work on Monday. You only need view the last report as it will contain all Spam.

The links below appear at the bottom of each spam report

schedule links

  • Day - report will be delivered seven days a week
  • Weekday - report will be delivered five days a week - Mon-Fri
  • Friday - report will be delivered once a week
  • Month - would be handy if going on holiday and will not be checking your mail
  • Never - this turns off reports

Simply clicking on any of the links will set your report schedule.
You will see a result page in your browser window.


Turn reports off
If you turn off reports by selecting 'Never' as the frequency you may still login to the system to check your quarantine and change settings. Be aware that mails are automatically deleted from the quarantine.

Turn reports back on
If you had reports off you must login to the system to re-activate them.
Select Settings > Quarantine Report Settings > Quarantine Report Frequency
Select your option and click Save



For details of the options available for  CCS Leeds Email Anti Spam Services click here

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